With the wonderful new technology these days we can find out whether we are pregnant prior to it actually happening it seems. Home pregnancy tests that can tell you if you are pregnant, for how long you have been, the shoe size of your fetus and their prospective career choices.
One of the options that is available to expectant parents is whether to discover the sex of their child prior to birth. To some this is a huge dilemma to others its a nice option to have and for some a no-brainer.
For my wife and I it was an easy decision... relatively! We did not want to know. The surprise aspect added to the whole excitement of the pregnancy for us, and our families. Of course this decision brought about its own challenges, such as making sure any purchases (clothing, toys, etc...) could work for both a boy or girl, though for us this was a small sacrifice to make for the added element of excitement. Plus the bonus is that the things we did purchase prior to discovering, will be reusable next time whatever the sex of the child.
So you may think I am against finding out the sex early in the pregnancy, but this is not the case. I think it is great that parents have the option to find out the sex of their child and be able to plan accordingly by decorating and purchasing specific items tailored towards the actual gender of the baby. Like everything in parenthood, it is what works best for you (and the child).
We still had the ultrasound and 3D pictures done, even though the three dimensional pictures freak me out a little, I think it is the orange tint of the photos. Though we closed our eyes for the gender and 3D shots, to make sure we did not spoil the surprise. So you do not need to miss out on those fun options while maintaining the surprise aspect.
Whatever you decide the joy of pregnancy and parenthood is great!
Reviewing some of the baby gadgets and items that have been designed for cool parents, especially new or soon-to-be dads.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Nursery or Your Bedroom
There are so many varying opinions out there regarding how to raise and care for your child. It is easy for a new parent to be confused about what is the best thing to do when it comes to... well everything!
One such topic is whether or not you should place your child in your bedroom or put them straight into the nursery to sleep after returning home from the hospital.
Some people believe that the baby should be in your room so that you can monitor them throughout the night, plus it is easier for when the baby wakes up during the night. Others recommend putting the baby in the crib in their nursery from the start to avoid the baby becoming accustomed to sleeping next to Mom and Dad. Then of course there are the concerns regarding SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) that are involved which makes the decision even more complex for new parents.
For my wife and I, we decided we wanted our son in our bedroom for the first week at home, before we would move him to his crib (at least to trial it). Based on this we decided to fore go the purchase of a bassinet for what would be such a short period of time, choosing instead to use the pack-n-play (review to come) we had purchased for when our son spent the night with his grandparents or auntie.
One week turned into two, possibly due to our boy waking three to four times a night (which is pretty good when they are so young), my wife recovering from her C-section, and my mother staying with us (she came over from England, where I am originally from, for two weeks). Then one night we decided to put the baby in his crib and put the monitor (review to come) on to listen out for him. That night he slept from 10pm till after 4am, not sure on the exact time he woke as I stayed up until 4am anxiously listening to the monitor to ensure he was still breathing, and as a result was so tired I did not hear when he did wake and cry for a feed.
Based on that successful night we decided to try it again the next evening... and he has been in his crib every night since.
The truth is you have to find out what works best for you and your baby, both with regards the sleeping situation and with what makes you comfortable. If that means having your child in your bedroom for a night, a week, a month or more then only you can make that decision based on your own feelings and experience.
Whatever you decide it is not wrong, and I wish you luck with it.
One such topic is whether or not you should place your child in your bedroom or put them straight into the nursery to sleep after returning home from the hospital.
Some people believe that the baby should be in your room so that you can monitor them throughout the night, plus it is easier for when the baby wakes up during the night. Others recommend putting the baby in the crib in their nursery from the start to avoid the baby becoming accustomed to sleeping next to Mom and Dad. Then of course there are the concerns regarding SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) that are involved which makes the decision even more complex for new parents.
For my wife and I, we decided we wanted our son in our bedroom for the first week at home, before we would move him to his crib (at least to trial it). Based on this we decided to fore go the purchase of a bassinet for what would be such a short period of time, choosing instead to use the pack-n-play (review to come) we had purchased for when our son spent the night with his grandparents or auntie.
One week turned into two, possibly due to our boy waking three to four times a night (which is pretty good when they are so young), my wife recovering from her C-section, and my mother staying with us (she came over from England, where I am originally from, for two weeks). Then one night we decided to put the baby in his crib and put the monitor (review to come) on to listen out for him. That night he slept from 10pm till after 4am, not sure on the exact time he woke as I stayed up until 4am anxiously listening to the monitor to ensure he was still breathing, and as a result was so tired I did not hear when he did wake and cry for a feed.
Based on that successful night we decided to try it again the next evening... and he has been in his crib every night since.
The truth is you have to find out what works best for you and your baby, both with regards the sleeping situation and with what makes you comfortable. If that means having your child in your bedroom for a night, a week, a month or more then only you can make that decision based on your own feelings and experience.
Whatever you decide it is not wrong, and I wish you luck with it.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Bumbo Baby Seat - Aqua
We received our Bumbo seat as a gift from my wife's colleagues just before she started her maternity leave. The chair is designed to allow your baby to sit upright even before they are able to hold themselves up, which is a great help for weary arms.
The seat is designed to hug the bum and legs of your child therefore eliminating the need for straps, which is great and saves time when you are on your own with your baby and you just need to do something quickly or run to the bathroom. Just pop the little one in the seat on the floor, and you can do whatever you need to do.
The seat is made from a low-density foam which is non-toxic and lightweight, which make it a very safe option for even the smallest of babies.
The issue I have with it is that, even though very cool and useful, it is a one trick pony. And even though that trick is a good one some parents (like us) have a swing and/or bouncer seat already, so to fork out over $60 on the Bumbo might not be the best investment. Though if cost is not a concern then this is a very useful item for any new parent to have.
Our son seems to really enjoy sitting in the Bumbo seat as it gives him a more upright position than either his swing or bouncy chair, which helps him watch television easier (he loves the TV especially hockey, football and soccer - which are alright by me!) and gives him some 'big-boy' independence.
http://www.bumbo.ca/index.htm - check out the link to the website
The seat is designed to hug the bum and legs of your child therefore eliminating the need for straps, which is great and saves time when you are on your own with your baby and you just need to do something quickly or run to the bathroom. Just pop the little one in the seat on the floor, and you can do whatever you need to do.
The seat is made from a low-density foam which is non-toxic and lightweight, which make it a very safe option for even the smallest of babies.
The issue I have with it is that, even though very cool and useful, it is a one trick pony. And even though that trick is a good one some parents (like us) have a swing and/or bouncer seat already, so to fork out over $60 on the Bumbo might not be the best investment. Though if cost is not a concern then this is a very useful item for any new parent to have.
Our son seems to really enjoy sitting in the Bumbo seat as it gives him a more upright position than either his swing or bouncy chair, which helps him watch television easier (he loves the TV especially hockey, football and soccer - which are alright by me!) and gives him some 'big-boy' independence.
http://www.bumbo.ca/index.htm - check out the link to the website
The Bumbo
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Baby Swing - Graco Lovin' Hug Swing (Hamilton)
When it came to purchasing a swing for our baby we really wanted to find one that was both visually appealing to us, comfortable for the baby and most importantly had an AC adaptor with it!
Sounds easy enough, but in our area it was damn near impossible to find a swing with these qualities, especially the ability to plug it in rather than having to spend a fortune on four D batteries every week (as we anticipated we would be using it extensively).
We finally found the Graco Lovin' Hug - Hamilton swing at our local Babies R Us and it seemed to meet all our requirements. Funnily enough we found other models of the Lovin' Hug swing at other stores that did not have the power adaptor and ran solely on batteries.
I had read the mixed reviews on the swing that I found on the store website, and admittedly I was nervous to invest almost $200 on a swing that may breakdown after only a few weeks, after all we intend to have more kids and do not want to be buying new items every time.
The swing was very easy to assemble and looks great, though it is bulky, so is not ideal for those who want something they can move around the house, or take over to visit family and friends easily.
When we tested the swing (pre-baby) the motor gave off a ticking noise (still does) and I was close to taking it straight back, though I believe now this is the norm for most baby swings (we have a Fisher-Price swing at my in-laws, review on that will no doubt follow later, which does the same). Also the low settings (1 & 2) would start to swing then stop for few ticks before starting to swing again, found out this is because there was no weight in the seat, as ever since we have used it with our son it has worked great on all six settings.
Overall we are happy with the performance of the swing, and our son really enjoys it, especially the mobile, which sways with motion of swing. I believe we made the best choice for us based on our criteria and the limited availability of baby swings in our city.
Sounds easy enough, but in our area it was damn near impossible to find a swing with these qualities, especially the ability to plug it in rather than having to spend a fortune on four D batteries every week (as we anticipated we would be using it extensively).
We finally found the Graco Lovin' Hug - Hamilton swing at our local Babies R Us and it seemed to meet all our requirements. Funnily enough we found other models of the Lovin' Hug swing at other stores that did not have the power adaptor and ran solely on batteries.
I had read the mixed reviews on the swing that I found on the store website, and admittedly I was nervous to invest almost $200 on a swing that may breakdown after only a few weeks, after all we intend to have more kids and do not want to be buying new items every time.
The swing was very easy to assemble and looks great, though it is bulky, so is not ideal for those who want something they can move around the house, or take over to visit family and friends easily.
When we tested the swing (pre-baby) the motor gave off a ticking noise (still does) and I was close to taking it straight back, though I believe now this is the norm for most baby swings (we have a Fisher-Price swing at my in-laws, review on that will no doubt follow later, which does the same). Also the low settings (1 & 2) would start to swing then stop for few ticks before starting to swing again, found out this is because there was no weight in the seat, as ever since we have used it with our son it has worked great on all six settings.
Overall we are happy with the performance of the swing, and our son really enjoys it, especially the mobile, which sways with motion of swing. I believe we made the best choice for us based on our criteria and the limited availability of baby swings in our city.
Graco Lovin' Hug Swing - Hamilton
Bucket seat, comes with two inserts (one shown) and tray (not in picture)
Swing has six speeds, nature sounds and music with volume control, and a timer
The all important AC adaptor connection, comes with additional cord
The mobile moves with motion of swing
Car Seat Review - Maxi-Cosi Mico
We purchased the Maxi-Cosi Mico car seat as it was the only one compatible to use with the Foray stroller we had bought. The seat is also lighter and smaller than many of the other car seats that were available to us, and in my opinion it is more stylish and cool too. The car seat, like the stroller, comes in several funky styles to match your personal taste.
The seat has a five-point adjustable harness for securing in your baby and a removable washable cover in case of any accidents. It comes with a base that remains in your car, which the seat clicks in and out of quick and easily.
The Mico is a rear facing seat that is recommended for a child between 5-22lbs, which for us is the biggest issue, as our baby boy is over 17lbs already and just 3mths old.
Other than this however the seat has been great for us, transitioning easily from stroller to car and back, making quick trips to the store a pleasure rather than a chore (apart from the actual shopping part that is).
The Mico is also compatible with the Maxi-Cosi Loola, as well as the Quinny Buzz and Zapp strollers.

The seat has a five-point adjustable harness for securing in your baby and a removable washable cover in case of any accidents. It comes with a base that remains in your car, which the seat clicks in and out of quick and easily.
The Mico is a rear facing seat that is recommended for a child between 5-22lbs, which for us is the biggest issue, as our baby boy is over 17lbs already and just 3mths old.
Other than this however the seat has been great for us, transitioning easily from stroller to car and back, making quick trips to the store a pleasure rather than a chore (apart from the actual shopping part that is).
The Mico is also compatible with the Maxi-Cosi Loola, as well as the Quinny Buzz and Zapp strollers.
Maxi-Cosi Mico Car Seat - Phantom
Large canopy
Five point harness, also comes with an insert for when the baby is smaller
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Stroller review - Maxi-Cosi Foray
One of the first big decisions my wife and I had to make when expecting was choosing the right stroller. We wanted something that was both stylish and fun but that was also practical for our lifestyle. After much research and discussion, we settled on the Maxi-Cosi Foray.
The stroller turns and moves effortlessly which is great for city life, and is very lightweight which is great for breaking down to put in the trunk. The large rear wheels, that are great for any terrain, are quick release which helps when we have the dog in the trunk and need to place the stroller on the passenger seat. Add to this the sleek and modern styling and this stroller was a great choice for us.
The handle is height adjustable which is great for both parents, though if I had one issue with the stroller it would be that the handle feels a little flimsy due to this.
The seat has adjustable positions and is large enough to last through several growth stages, with an oversize sunscreen to protect your child from the sun and an included rain cover for more inclement weather.
The stroller is quick and easy to fold, though you do have to remove the seat first which takes up a lot of space in the trunk. For the earlier stages you can use the Maxi-Cosi Car seat (separate review to follow) on the stroller frame then transfer straight to the car, this is generally sold separately.
We love the Foray, and it works perfectly for us and the baby.
The stroller turns and moves effortlessly which is great for city life, and is very lightweight which is great for breaking down to put in the trunk. The large rear wheels, that are great for any terrain, are quick release which helps when we have the dog in the trunk and need to place the stroller on the passenger seat. Add to this the sleek and modern styling and this stroller was a great choice for us.
The handle is height adjustable which is great for both parents, though if I had one issue with the stroller it would be that the handle feels a little flimsy due to this.
The seat has adjustable positions and is large enough to last through several growth stages, with an oversize sunscreen to protect your child from the sun and an included rain cover for more inclement weather.
The stroller is quick and easy to fold, though you do have to remove the seat first which takes up a lot of space in the trunk. For the earlier stages you can use the Maxi-Cosi Car seat (separate review to follow) on the stroller frame then transfer straight to the car, this is generally sold separately.
We love the Foray, and it works perfectly for us and the baby.
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